I guess it's reader participation day here at mother of all scientists...
Today, the Bean did not drink very much milk at school (only 5 oz, as opposed to her usual 10-15 oz), though she ate her solid foods just fine. She was in a great mood again when we picked her up.
When we got home, I tried to nurse her, but she bit me. Not once, not twice, but thrice. Then she rolled away and started to crawl. I figured she just wanted to play instead of nurse and didn't press the issue.
We gave her dinner, gave her a bath and played with her. She was still in a great mood. Then it was time for bed.
I took her to bed with me and tried to nurse her. She bite me, then rolled away and started to cry very hard. So hard, in fact, that I couldn't calm her down. I called Husband in. He suggested that maybe she just was protesting about going to bed. So we read her some books and played quietly for about 20 minutes.
Then I again took her to bed and tried to nurse her. No dice. She bit me again and started to cry.
I took her to the nursery and tried to rock her. No dice. Crying harder than before with big tears rolling down her face. She finally calmed down when I stood and jiggled her. Occasional whimpers, but no crying. She fell asleep. I lay her in the crib and walked out.
Two minutes later, she's crying again. Husband goes in with a bottle, and she quickly guzzles 4 oz and falls asleep.
She has never refused to nurse at bedtime (or really ever, for that matter), and NEVER refused the breast in favor of a bottle.
Is it teething? Has she decided to self-wean? Is it an ear infection?
I'm at a loss and very worried that we'll have a repeat performance in the morning.
Any suggestions, fellow mamas?
3 weeks ago
Obviously my baby's still in my belly so I can't offer any advice. I just wanted to say I'm sorry figuring things out with your little one is confusing right now. I know you all will figure it out eventually, but that doesn't make the frustrations of last night easier to bear! Hugs in your general direction :).
Hopefully she's drinking better today! Maybe she just had an "off" day? Or she's teething, and nursing puts pressure on her gums? I'd also guess sickness/ear infection, but you say she seems fine... Our first night visiting Denver my baby refused to nurse--I think because the altitude change made her ears hurt. And she doesn't nurse well when she has a fever...
I can't believe your Bean would self-wean at her age, and so abruptly. I know you'll call the doctor if this keeps up; hopefully it doesn't...
How old is your Bean? If she's less than a year (and even that is young), she's not likely to be self-weaning. It could be a nursing strike, it could be a bad day, teething, so many choices about why. Don't give up trying, though!
I've heard this is a classic teething side affect. We didn't experience it (besides the biting) but I've heard of other moms who have. Apparently the pressure on the gums from sucking can be just too much for their sore little mouths. If she had any kind of infection (ear) there'd be a fever. The only other thing I've heard of that commonly causes a strike like this is thrush, again cause their mouths are so sore. My bet is it's teething though. Have you tried drugs? I'm usually not an advocate for drugging my baby, but with teething I've become much more liberal with the infant tylenol and motrin, and it often works like a charm! Good luck! This too shall pass....
Actually, it could still be an ear infection, even without fever. The only nursing strikes we had with my daughter were ear infections, frequently without fever, so it might be worth getting it checked out.
the only time Minnow has refused to nurse was one time when she had an ear infection. I agree with the others that it's probably not self-weaning, so I'd call your doctor and get things checked out.
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