Bean seems to be completely and totally potty trained (*knock on wood*). It was remarkably painless, which makes me think she may have been ready to potty train before we were. She hasn’t had an accident in almost two weeks, and this weekend she even napped in her underwear and still woke up dry. She’s still wearing diapers overnight, but in the morning she asks to potty when she wakes up and her diaper is almost dry. It’s pretty amazing.
It’s also somewhat stressful when we’re out and about. This weekend we were at the farmers market, and the nearest potty was quite a ways a way. But Bean has been a trooper and we’ve never ever had an accident while we were out.
Actually, the funny thing is that being pregnant while potty training is actually an advantage. My body acts as a built-in timer for reminding us to take Bean to the bathroom. Every time the pregnant lady’s gotta pee, chances are the toddler should too.
1 week ago
I'd forgotten how hard it was to go out while potty training until now. But go Bean! HOORAY!
I hate you. that is all.
I'm sorry but I'm horriblly jealous
Wow, that's wonderful. How old is Bean now? *My* Bean-girl was nearly three when she got to this stage!
Yes, this will make things a LOT easier when the new baby bean comes...
I wish we could have gotten ours done before the new baby! That's fantastic for you guys!
I found your blog from one of your earlier posts on co-sleeping. You have a great tone and I've enjoyed reading through some of your entries. Thanks for sharing your perspective on mommyhood. Your opinions seem very similar to mine and it is nice to see another person like that. Comforting, in a total-stranger-connection way. Cheers on getting through potty training and on the happy news of a future bean!
ScienceMama, where have you gone?
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