Saturday, June 21, 2008


Off to Academic Conference, so probably won't be posting all week.

I'm really sad about leaving Bean for 6 days. Tonight I got all sentimental when I went to pick up her shoes. It was totally a Made For TV Movie moment where I sat there pondering the size of her shoes and how quickly she's growing. Then I snuck into her room to watch her sleep. I am so corny. I would totally make fun of myself if I weren't so bummed.

*Ta-ta for now


hgg said...

Hope your conference is great! I was about to say drink a lot of beer, wine or whateveryouprefer in the evenings, but then I remembered you're soon up for a half maraton... So instead, get a lot of sleep :-D

Candid Engineer said...

Have a super time at your conference. I hope you learn some fun new stuff.

Amanda said...

Enjoy your conference and learn about some cool science stuff! (I know that both you and bean will be fine!)

EcoGeoFemme said...

Good luck. I hope you come back energized about science, with new contacts, and a baby who is happy to see you but not pissed that you left. So have a great time! And please tell us all about it when you return.

ScienceGirl said...

Here's to an interesting conference and a fun reunion with your family when you get back!

Dr. Mary said...

Good for you. Mine are 6 and 9 now and I still get all silly after a few days away from them. My conference-roomie, another CU professor-mommy, and I have developed a pattern when we go to meetings; the first night, we whoop it up a bit, then my the second night over dinner and wine with our other science/mommy/daddy colleagues, we are telling kid jokes and stories. Hope the meeting was great-